Wish list

Friday, September 7, 2012

Bears, Bears, Bears

We had a very fun, exciting week learning about bears!  We listened to many stories, sang songs, wrote stories and did bear activities in all of our centers.  Here's a peek at the week.

Our first circle thinking map about bears.  Wow! We know a lot about bears.  The kids wrote some wonderful stories in their journals this week.  We also used a tree thinking map for  writing.

Our pocket chart story about colors and gummy bears.

Megan volunteered to be labeled!!!  We had fun and giggled at all the labels on Meghan.

Our follow up activity on labeling.  We will try to do more labeling in our writing journals.

Bear hats.

Our class picture on Teddy Bear Day!

Graphing our favorite teddy graham.

Singing and moving to the Teddy Bear song.

Completing our teddy bear exploration.  Measuring our bears.

Counting gummy bears in the jars and recording our answers.

I just love seeing the kids reading on their own.  This was reading to your Teddy center.

The bears are playing in the play house.

Our teddy bear picnic.  We sorted honey combs, fish crackers and teddy grahams.
It was a yummy bear snack.

Just had to buy the new Karma Wilson Bear book!  We read several of her books this week.

Brooke brought a huge teddy bear to share. Everyone had their picture taken with the big bear.






1 comment:

  1. Love the bear activities!! Your newest follower, Stephanie

